Internship assessment

 My learning experience:

During ward and nephro duties:

Monitoring patients 

Took venous samples for investigations

Took abg samples 

Attended case discussions in the clinical lecture hall regarding various cases

During ICU duty:

Learnt cpr

Assisted for intubation 

Foley's catheter insertion

Ryle's tube insertion

During psychiatry postings:

Learning experience:

- History taking 

- Seen different cases - Schizophrenia, OCD, Depression

- Attended Rounds in DAC

During unit duty:

Case 1:

1.cause of fever spikes

A.They are due to atypical pneumonia.The air sacs may be filled with fluid or pus causing cough, fever ,chills.variesty of bacteria , viruses and fungi can cause this.

2.Affect of pneumonia on blood sugar levels

A.Individuals with inflammatory lung diseases have high blood sugar levels and show insulin resistance.It may also be the cause of uncontrolled sugar levels in this patient. 

Case 2

1. What are the symptoms suggesting UTI?

A. Pain in lower abdomen

    Decreased urine output 

    Burning micturition 

    CUE suggesting presence of bacteria 

2.What is the major cause ot UTI in this patient?

A. BPH(Benign prostatic hyperplasia)

      Due to BPH ,  pt is unable to empty the bladder                  completely and the stagnant urine acts as a medium        for the growth of the bacteria leading to UTI. 

Case 3

1.Approach to the treatment of viral pneumonia 

- supplemental oxygen when indicated

-airway augmentation 

-Monitoring and replacement of any fluid deficits

-symptomatic control of temperature and cough

-Rest to reduce oxygen demand

2. Here,CKD is also considered as risk factor for pneumonia and it in turn contributes to the progression of CKD. 

Case 4

Patient was given iv fluids , pcm ,benadryl for cough and vitals are monitored. Her Thrombocytopenia is also resolved gradually.she also had mild splenomegaly which may also be the cause of Thrombocytopenia as the Spleen will function abnormally sequestrering upto 99% of total platelet mass

Other cases:


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