
Showing posts from November, 2021


 Name: E.Laharika  Roll no: 29 10 Marks questions: 1 )Define bone density, how is it measured? What are the causes, clinical features,diagnosis and management of osteoporosis? (1+2+2+2+3) 2021/08/gm-elog-case-7.html   Bone density, or bone mineral density, is the amount of bone mineral in bone tissue.  Bone density measurements are used to diagnose osteoporosis . A bone density test is used to measure bone mineral content and density. It may be done using X-rays, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA), or a special CT scan  It is painless and tests the risk of fracture due to osteoporosis.  Osteoporosis is characterized by decrease in the amount of bone. Causes: primary- postmenopausal women and older men                      Secondary- cancer,COPD,CKD,certain drugs,                                                    Endocrine diseases.  Clinical features: usually asymptomatic                                Back ache or spontaneous fractures may b