Name: E.Laharika 

Roll no: 29

10 Marks questions:

1 )Define bone density, how is it measured? What are the causes, clinical features,diagnosis and management of osteoporosis? (1+2+2+2+3)

Bone density, or bone mineral density, is the amount of bone mineral in bone tissue. 
Bone density measurements are used to diagnose osteoporosis .

A bone density test is used to measure bone mineral content and density. It may be done using X-rays, dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DEXA or DXA), or a special CT scan 
It is painless and tests the risk of fracture due to osteoporosis. 

Osteoporosis is characterized by decrease in the amount of bone.
Causes: primary- postmenopausal women and older men                     Secondary- cancer,COPD,CKD,certain drugs,                                                    Endocrine diseases. 
Clinical features: usually asymptomatic
                               Back ache or spontaneous fractures may be seen.
Investigations: x rays showing osteopenia

                           ALP may be elevated
                           Serum vitamin D level
                           Thyroid function tests
Treatment:Vitamin D and calcium supplementation

 2 )What is myxedema coma? Describe its clinical features , diagnosis and treatment of myxedema coma (2+2+2+4)

                  -   300 micrograms thyroxine iv
                  -    Hydrocortisone 100 mg iv
                  -     Electrolyte balance is maintained 

4 marks questions:

3 )What is the diagnostic approach of young onset hypertension and it’s treatment.

4 )How do you clinically localize the anatomical level of lesion in spinal cord diseases.

5 )Causes,diagnosis and treatment of atrial fibrillation.

Causes:  Emotion stress or following surgery, exercise, smoking and alcohol intoxication 
Rheumatic heart disease 
      Hypertension,Heart failure,Hyperthyroidism 
COPD, Pulmonary embolism.
 Diagnosis: ECG shows  varying RR intervals,                             P waves are absent
                    Echocardiogram , CBP,Thyroid                                  function test, Serum electrolytes and                        chest x rays are done.
Beta blockers, Antiarrhythmic drugs are given. 

6 )Describe about megaloblastic anemia.

Vitamin B 12 replacement should be done since malabsorption is the most common cause.

7) What are the causes, pathogenesis and differential diagnosis of ascites.

Causes: cirrhosis with portal hypertension 
Cardiac failure, renal failure 

8) Approach to acute pancreatitis.

Treatment: iv fluid- ringer lactate solution        Nasogastric aspiration 
  Meperidine or tramadol
   Protom pump inhibitors

2 marks questions:

9) Mention the differences in findings between UMN and LMN lesion.

10) Indications of hemodialysis.

Resistant hyperkalemia                    urea>180mg/dl,creatinine>8 mg/dl
              Refractory fluid overload

11) Role of sucralfate in treatment of erosive gastritis?

         Mild proteinuria
            Acute renal failure 

13) causes of portal hypertension

14) clinical features of Downs syndrome

15) post streptococcal glomerulonephritis complications.

16 )Causes of cervical myleopathy.

Compression of spinal cord in the neck 
   Rheumatoid arthritis of neck
spinal infections. 


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